Who Can Contribute?
As long as you are a member of the Techstack team, this category is very much open to your contribution!
What Can I Share?
This is a safe place to share your wisdom. It doesn’t matter if you’re a junior, a senior, a manager- as long as you feel that your whole team will benefit from your information, it’s very much welcome! From a new plug-in to new, cutting edge techniques to optimizing, these are very much welcome!
We believe that you have all been allowed to explore new information through research, and this is the perfect place to share what you’ve learned!
What’s In It For Me?
Well, other than being able to help your team mates grow and learn yourself, we will find ways to incentivize the best contributor for the month!
How Can I Contribute?
The whole team has access to the Techstack website. Simple log in to gain access to our Knowledge Base which is powered by Better Docs. Just access BetterDocs on the side nav bar, and click on ‘Add New’. Add a relevant and clear Title, and paste your references, talk about your experience or link us to a video! Not limited to these, you can talk about issues you encountered with certain builders, or advantages of working with new ones!